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Why Trap, Neuter & Return?

Our mission is to care for neighborhood cats.

Our efforts are focused on TNR (Trap Neuter and Return) because spaying and neutering is the only humane and efficient way to reduce the population of stray animals. When the population is under control and birth of countless litters of kittens is stopped, the street cat’s quality of life improves drastically. Spaying and neutering eliminates significant risks of developing health problems and unwanted behaviours in cats, which are often the reason for people’s aggression towards them.

TNR Bulgaria creates better living conditions for stray cats and people in the community and helps their coexistence in populated areas.

How we take care of community cats

We create conditions, in which every community cat has access to ...


For every stray cat, spaying & neutering equals a significantly longer and easier life. Spaying & neutering reduces many of the risks to which cats are exposed to outside and reckless behaviors while looking to mate. The life expectancy of the neighborhood cat is about 3 times higher after spaying & neutering. While the quality of life for these cats increases, the overall population is slowly decreased the influx of new babies stops. Stabilizing the population reduces competition for territory, resources and food and improves the quality of life for neighborhood cats. Learn More.

Food, shelter & care

Our volunteers care for colonies of neighborhood cats in their neighborhoods, by providing them with regular food, deworming, shelter, supervision and protection in addition to TNR.

The average lifespan of a single, unaltered stray cat is 2 years. Among cared-for colonies where the cats have been spayed & neutered, life expectancy reaches 6 years and above – much like this of house cats who are free to go outside on their own.

Veterinary Help

Life on the street is not easy for cats, despite all efforts we put into caring for them. We often have to provide additional veterinary help to cats captured for TNR, as well as life-saving care in emergencies and accidents.
All our TNR cats get a dental checkup while they are under anaesthesia and additional dental services when needed – exam, s-rays, extractions, cleaning of tartar.

Fostering & Adoption

We are focused towards helping stray cats, but while doing so, inevitably we often meet cats who cannot cope with life on the street by themselves. Injured, injured, sick, the newborn – for them, the only chance to survive is to be taken in by volunteers and adopted. These kittens need long-term care in a foster home, where they get used to living in a home environment while we look for their people.

If you are looking to adopt a kitty, meet our rescued beauties here and get ready to fall in love! 💛



Our work is entirely funded by donations, performed by volunteers and carried out free of charge. The number of cats manage to help depends entirely on the support of animal friends like you.


Volunteers are the heart of the the TNR Bulgaria program. The more we are, the more lives we can change for the better. Join us and let’s help kitties together!


Get ready to snuggle and check out our rescued kitties looking for their Humans! Everyone is waiting to get a chance at a life in a great family and lots of love. Maybe someone is waiting for just you!


The foster family plays a fundamental role in saving a cat’s life. The foster home is where the kitty in distress who we have provided first aid to will be placed while we look for his forever home.

Adopt Me!

Cats looking for a home and a loving family